The 2nd day of October 2023

As this new week begins again,

We must bring our tale to a close,

We followed the dashing Barman,

And his stunning sweet Gold Rose

They played and pounced and cocked a wink,

And danced without a care,

They kissed in an embrace so tight,

You couldn’t help but stare

Through parks and fields they did stroll,

Sharing an enraptured look,

They laughed and joked and felt most whole,

A feeling never mistook

But as we resolve to end, Madame,

There is much we must reveal,

There has been a subtle scam,

A scandal quite unreal

For you Madame are the brazen Wench,

Your virtue not quite in tatters,

And I am the scruffy Barman,

Who’s heart for you all that matters

We’ll keep our little masquerade,

A secret more or less,

In public a sordid sex parade,

Nothing better to confess

In private I’ll maintain the house,

I’ll keep the home and ground,

You’ll keep the temperance of a mouse,

Or, wait, was it the other way round?

Thats all for now my dear,

The water’s warm as sin,

I’ll tell you “have no fear”,

It is time to leap in

Yours, A.